Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Voice

I began the drama class last week. It wasn't what I expected at all. Last week, I spent time practicing a presentation/training that I need to give for work next week. I learned to own my words and speak with confidence even when I feel like I don't know what I'm talking about.

Today, I was able to hear and appreciate my own voice. While reading a part, the instructor and the other participants commented on my voice - it's tone, timbre, and texture - and compared it to a musical instrument. This was shocking to me. I'm the girl who used to hate reading aloud in class because I thought I sounded like a boy. I'm the girl who still hates recording new voicemail greetings every time I'm out of the office for a day or more. I'm the girl who mumbles "hello" and swallows "thank you" and "you're welcome." Who was this girl, this woman, they were speaking of? Could it be they were one in the same? Then someone asked a question that made me remember...

I remembered that one day, as a classroom teacher, when I was called to the office in the middle of my daily read aloud. My principal - the man who evaluated me on classroom management, guided reading, and determined my fate at the end of the year - was sent to watch my class. I scrambled to find some busywork for my students, expecting him to sit at my desk on the computer or lecture my students on their hallway behavior. He said he could handle it. He said he could do the read aloud. Now, I have no idea what happened in that office but I do remember what happened when I returned to my classroom. The principal let me know that everything went extremely well, showed me where he stopped in our chapter book, and returned to the office. As soon as he was out of earshot, my class erupted pleading with me to re-read the entire chapter that they had just heard. I was perplexed. Were they wasting time? Was there a test or that dreadful art class they were trying to avoid? No. They genuinely wanted me to read the chapter to them - to use my voice, my tone, and inflections to help them understand the storyline, get the jokes, and relate to a little girl with issues similar to their own. They wanted me to do the things that the man with the booming rich voice, the command of the whole school, and a salary 2-4 times that of little ol' me, couldn't do. That day, my 30+ students told me how much they valued my voice, much more than I ever have.

Somewhere along the way, I learned not to value my voice or to trust the words that it offered. Somehow, I forgot that there are people who enjoy listening to me. Today, I was reminded.
I usually like to end with a quote. Today, instead of finding someone else's words that speak my truth, I am trusting my own voice to convey exactly what I mean.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

April Challenge

When I posted my update on the list, I didn't mention anything about my weight loss goal. That's because I had actually gained weight. So I decided to get a grip on things starting April 1...

The Challenge: Eat vegan and workout 4 out of every 5 days for the month of April.

The Prize: A $500 shopping spree to buy clothes that fit my body (whatever it looks like/weighs).

15 days in: I've met the challenge by going vegan and working out 12 out of the last 15 days. Go me!

The problem: I haven't lost any weight.

There are a number of factors that play into my lack of weight loss. In an attempt to be all natural, I stopped taking my daily multivitamin with a metabolism booster. Also, while I've cut out dairy and meat, nuts, soy and coconut milk have a lot of fat and calories. Plus, I wasn't actually watching what I ate. (I thoroughly enjoyed the chocolate peanut butter coconut milk ice cream.) I've also not passed up the alcohol.

Next Steps: Resume taking my multivitamin. Try to follow the 4-day diet as closely as possible, watch portions, and cut down on high fat/calorie foods. I'll limit my alcohol intake over the next 15 days and increase my daily workout time.

Look for an update in 15 days.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Lent Update:


That is all.