Thursday, June 16, 2011

Looking Towards 30

Around my 27th birthday, I started making lists of things I wanted to do or accomplish by my next birthday. Some of these things were accomplished. Most were not. On my 29th birthday, I realized that I did not need a list. I can't exactly articulate what it was that I felt. Maybe it was an overall sense of seeking happiness and contentment and realizing that there were only a few things I needed to do to gain that. Maybe it was understanding that peace is not tied to a list of things or accomplishments. Either way, I didn't make a list. However, as 30 approaches, there are some things that I want to accomplish or work towards. I'll be writing about those things and my progress over the next 5 months. Before I do that, I'll share my progress on the last version of the list to date, not necessarily by my 29th birthday.

  • I took a drama class. - I want to take an improv class.
  • If speed dating counts, I went on 12+ dates.
  • While talking to my friend about climbing Mt. St. Helens, he informed me that a man had recently died attempting the feat. So yeah, we didn't do that.
  • No children's book has been written or even attempted. For now, my work with survivors and their parents/siblings is enough.
  • While I've been a lot more social, one event a week was rather ambitious considering the fact that I have 3 or 4 friends and a limited income.
  • Attending an artistic/cultural event once a week was even more ambitious. So yeah, that has not been done.
  • I've tried meditation, journaling, and daily devotions but like this blog, I haven't done it consistently.
  • A spiritual process/practice is still a work in progress.
  • I'm doing better with connecting with friends. I've done well with seeing my Chicago friends once a month and seeing the BBGs at least once a year. I'm still struggling with this device called a phone.
  • I didn't learn to swim and haven't even taken lessons. I realized that I do know the correct movements to get across a pool but I struggle with getting my head out of the water. Could this be a metaphor for my life?
  • I also did not attend a live music event every couple of months. Clearly, I struggle with getting out. I think I will try to find more places with live music to visit and make my 3-4 friends go with me.
  • I've gained weight again. This is one goal that I think I will add to my goals for 30. I've realized that I need to make a lifestyle change and not treat my diet/health like I'm cramming for a test. I've realized that I do that in a lot of areas. More on that in another post.
  • I took an art class! and the products are still in my trunk. I need to pull that stuff out and finish a couple of pieces and starts a few more.
  • The AIDS Run/Walk 2010 fell on my mother's birthday so I didn't participate. I did participate in SkyRise Chicago where I climbed the stair of the Sears Tower! I plan to participate in the AIDS Run/Walk and SkyRise Chicago this year. I'm not setting a donation goal besides the minimum required by SkyRise because they are so close together.
  • For the most part, I've cooked every week. I could do a better job with varying dishes and learning new recipes. I'm too poor to eat out all the time.
  • When I make a personal professional website, I'll post the link. Maybe.
  • I can't find anywhere to bungee jump. Let me know if you know of a place.
  • I've done a poor job of volunteering. The place I was volunteering took forever to get me started. I started in April and the program went on break from May to October. I have to decide if I want to volunteer and in which ways since my daily work is direct service.
  • I joined I don't really follow it but I've done a decent job of saving consistently, besides a few unexpected expenses.
  • I found out how much house I can afford. Wait, let me be clear. I figured out how much I would be comfortable paying each month and was pre-approved based on that amount. To actually be able to afford it, I need a lot more in savings than I currently have for a down payment, closing costs, and an emergency fund. So for right now, I can afford to stay at my mama's house, unless an amazing deal comes along.
  • I see most of my Chicago friends once a month. Bad weather makes us fall off but we gotta get it together.
  • My personal project is still in development.
  • I have not traveled outside of North America but the planning for the BBG 30th birthday trip for 2012 is under way.
  • I took an epic vacation. I went to Cancun for a week in addition to trips to New York and Califiornia to see the BBGs. I've decided that I should always take a week long vacations if I can afford it and won't strangle my travel companions.
There you have it. I didn't do most of the things on the list. That's ok. I'm content. I know that if they were meant to be accomplished, they will be. Regardless, I've learned so much about myself in the process.
It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. ~ Edmund Hillary

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