Thursday, April 15, 2010

April Challenge

When I posted my update on the list, I didn't mention anything about my weight loss goal. That's because I had actually gained weight. So I decided to get a grip on things starting April 1...

The Challenge: Eat vegan and workout 4 out of every 5 days for the month of April.

The Prize: A $500 shopping spree to buy clothes that fit my body (whatever it looks like/weighs).

15 days in: I've met the challenge by going vegan and working out 12 out of the last 15 days. Go me!

The problem: I haven't lost any weight.

There are a number of factors that play into my lack of weight loss. In an attempt to be all natural, I stopped taking my daily multivitamin with a metabolism booster. Also, while I've cut out dairy and meat, nuts, soy and coconut milk have a lot of fat and calories. Plus, I wasn't actually watching what I ate. (I thoroughly enjoyed the chocolate peanut butter coconut milk ice cream.) I've also not passed up the alcohol.

Next Steps: Resume taking my multivitamin. Try to follow the 4-day diet as closely as possible, watch portions, and cut down on high fat/calorie foods. I'll limit my alcohol intake over the next 15 days and increase my daily workout time.

Look for an update in 15 days.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

b.goody said...

Good luck! It's going to happen. Your workout is serious. But question: maybe you aren't losing weight because you are building muscle? I don't know exactly how that works though...

I hope I'm free on shopping day :)