Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What Happened to "Worse"?

I know I'm not the best at grammar. It's been years since I taught it and even longer since I learned but I distinctly remember this.

Positive    Comparative        Superlative
good better best
bad worse worst

However, I keep seeing worst used in place of worse on twitter, blogs, and fb statuses. Ex. "She By Sheree is worst than Closet Freak." "Derrick J. is worst than RuPaul." Does this make any sense to you? Generally, I excuse it as a simple typo but I've seen it repeatedly by professionals and PhDs. So, I have to ask, did I miss something? Did we collectively agree to omit worse from the English language? or could folks use a 3rd grade refresher?

1 comment:

b.goody said...

Refresher course! You know how much I can't stand grammatical errors!